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Feedback, polish and this blog - Week #12

June 26th - July 2nd, 2022

This week was relatively a cool down after a very busy and productive three months.

Some feedback started kicking in, I had 5 updates released.
I fixed some bugs, improved some of the UI and UX, revamped my subtitles system, polished some of the backgrounds, cutscenes and dialogues.

Here are some of what I posted, though those have already gotten a little better :)

And of course, I started this blog. Though I reused the blog I built for Becloudead and the posts are mostly summarizations with links to more detailed social posts, it still was quite a hefty task.

Other than that I started experimenting with my new drawing tablet. It does make a lot of things easier, but it also makes a lot of other things harder, especially tasks I’m used to doing with a mouse and keyboard. I guess it will take some time and practice getting used to it...