Play the Beta DEMO

The final puzzle - Week #25

September 25th - October 1st, 2022

This week has been very productive!

For starters I finished adding the final puzzle for chapter 1.
This includes two new characters with new dialogues , Bar and Koco, the owners of the Z.B.B.B.
The puzzle has 12 steps to it and some new inventory items.
I won't post any spoilers for the puzzle, so just play it :)

I added another new character to the beach scene, an old lady named Marge.
You don't have to talk to Marge and she's not part of any puzzle, but she will tell you more stories about the lighthouse.
I also had to extend the scene to have enough space for the new character.

Other than that I did a few things I meant to do for a while but kept pushing back, which are:

Lastly, I did more work on the lighthouse scene for chapter 2.
I built the main layout to get a feel of the space.
There's a ton of work to do on this scene, but I'm excited to flesh it all out.

I should and probably will make an updated trailer next week, including some of the new stuff, the fixed stuff and most importantly the new logo.