Play the Beta DEMO

The sea, a map and a lighthouse - Week #32

November 13 - November 19, 2022

This week I worked on a few things for chapter 2.

I needed some way for Mikey and Grover to move around the sea and visit different locations.
I had a few ideas on how to implement this, but I wanted to ask around and see what people like in their point & click adventures.

So, I ran a poll around some Adventure Games groups, and here are the results:

34% - No traveling - Just show a map with hotspots.
29% - Normal scene view - Travel Scene by scene.
22% - Top down view - sail freely.
15% - Scene by scene + map for quick travel visited locations.

Quite a controversial topic!

Eventually, I decided to mix it up a little.
What I did is basically a fixed map screen, but you can move freely or click on a location.
You move at a rather fast pace so it doesn't take too long to go from one location to another and you can also rapidly double click to give little speed boosts.
It is still WIP and everything will be animated.

I continued working on the lighthouse scene, getting closer to finishing this one up!

I did work on some other cool stuff, but those are too much of a spoiler, so I won't be sharing that.

Some updates to the game: