I am long overdue on a dev blog post and I couldn't end the year without one, so here it is!
Since most of what I'm working on now is not part of the demo and mostly contains spoilers, I'll be going down to 1-2 posts a month.
Here are some of the stuff I've been working on this past month for chapter 2:
So what is left to do in chapter 2?
I plan on finishing all the puzzles, hotspots and scenes in the lighthouse during the next week.
Then I'll move on to the cutscenes.
Since I'm still not an expert in pixel art, I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish the cutscenes.
But, once I'm finished with it, I will release chapter 2 for alpha testing, while I continue working on the missing in-game animations (nothing important to the story, stuff like climbing stairs, rowing the boat, etc) and the music.
Hopefully I'll get it all done by the end of January 2023.
I'm really excited about going into act 2, as the story really opens up and expands in it.
Stay tuned, cool things are coming!