WarZone Flashpoint

WarZone Flashpoint by Dust Storm
Links: Steam
Release Date: 14 Dec, 2018 (early access)


WarZone Flashpoint aims to bring RTS back into the limelight. The game will feature many generals, each who command vast and varied armies. It’s these armies you can customize, command, and use to ravage your opponents.

Negotiations are over.

The world’s most powerful generals have prepared their machines of war. Heavy vehicles, nuclear weapons, and fanatical soldiers are but a few types of destruction you can unleash on your foes. What weapons of war will you use? And how will you use them?

Choose your general. Each general has a unique army at their disposal. What units you field and how you use them will determine victory or defeat. Customize your army. Dig into the nuances and complexity that war has to offer. The details matter. Execute your strategy. You have a plan. Now it’s time to execute. Destroy your enemy… if you can. Your enemies are smart, vicious, and unforgiving. You’d better be too if you’re going to win. Are your forces ready for deployment?

Remember general, war always changes.