About Me

Hello World,
My name is Avishay and I’m and indie game developer.

I entered the world of game making back in 2012 and been crafting my skills since then.

2013-2016 – I was working as a developer on a project for S.E.S (Scientific Educational Systems), creating over 80 activities and games for an educational program – K-First. – Developed with Construct 2.

2015-2018 – I worked on Bad Pad, my first big indie solo project. In January 2017 Bad Pad hit Steam Early Access after successfully going through Steam Greenlight. In August 2018 Bad Pad was officially released on Steam! In August 2019 Bad Pad One Year Anniversary was released with many new features. – Developed with Construct 2.

2015-2016 – I was working as a developer on project called ZuzTV which is a children’s media portal with original content, video stories and songs, drawings and activities, games and designing apps.
I made all the in house games and designing apps and I was also in charge of building the website. – Developed with Construct 2.

December 2016 – I released my first android game to google store, Bad Run, as a part of the Bad Pad saga.
Read more about Bad Run – Turbo Edition, here! – Developed with Construct 2.

Late 2019 early 2020 – I released Bad Run – Turbo Edition, with many new features and a complete overall. Bad Run TE was released on google play and Steam. – Developed with Construct 3.

February 2020 – I started working on my new game, Becloudead – Developed with Construct 3.
Read more on the Dev Blog

April 2020 – I released a free to play hyper casual game to google play, named Bad Ride, as a part of the Bad Pad saga. – Developed with Construct 3.

August – November 2020 – Working on a promotional game for Our FishOcean Uprising. – Developed with Construct 3.

March 2021 – March 2022 – Working on games and tools for LifeTown. – Developed with Construct 3.

April 2022 – I started working on a new game, Mikey & Grover’s Unexpected Adventures, this time and for the first time, I’m doing the pixel art and animations myself! – Developed with Construct 3.
Read more on the Dev Blog

More of my games can be found HERE.

Check out this WordPress website I built to showcase Israeli Indie Games:
Indie Games Israel