Heads up, Bad pad level 4 is up!
Here some of the cool new things in level 4.
End of the level boss fight scene
And a mini arcade game, which will eventually lead to the next floor.
You will need to collect at least 20 coins to play the arcade, so keep an eye out!
There are lots of new graphics in level 4 and some previous levels were updated too.
I didn’t post about it but last week I released level 3, there are some cool stuff in that level too, like a bonus carting level where you can pick up some extra coins
And the boss fight from level 2
We are very close to getting a neat beta version done, once we do, I will make some new screen shots and a new promo video, then open up a Steam Greenlight page and start spreading it around, we would really appreciate your support by voting us up, once the page is online.